The anatomy of a Go entrepreneur

on July 02, 2020 • 1 minute read

We launched Xolo Go in December of last year and have been working enthusiastically with all the fantastic European entrepreneurs ever since. We're proud to say that we have now reached a milestone of 20,000 signups and the number is growing rapidly day by day. It's a perfect time to share some learnings so far and, hopefully, they will help you out in your entrepreneurial career!
Where are Go entrepreneurs from?
We have a truly international service and have already signed up new Xolo Go customers from almost all European countries, still waiting for that first Albanian to join us though! The top 3 countries:
How do Xolo Go customers get paid?
Our number one mission is to help our customers employ themselves and get paid easily. Speaking about getting paid, how much do Xolopreneurs invoice on average?
Go entrepreneurs send 1-2 invoices per month. Getting paid on time is of the essence when running a business and it is very pleasing to see our Go customers have an average of only 2-3% of their invoices overdue. Unfortunately, recent corona-crisis has seen an increase, but luckily the tides are turning again.
As a Go customer, you can pay out the profits to your personal bank account when you need. Handy new addition of the tax report for your local tax authorities can be found under the "Withdrawals" section in Self-service.
Where do Go customers spend their money?
Go customers use the expense reimbursement feature for tools and supplies, mostly from Amazon and AliExpress, travel tickets, software, Adobe products in particular, digital assets, internet costs and, as a sign of the current times, video conferencing.
What kind of professions do our Go customers have?
Based on the work invoiced so far the most common projects are related to the following 8 fields:
But we’ve also seen some other examples like cooking classes or DJ performances, so keep 'em coming!