€150 for you, €265 for your referred friend (limited time only)

on March 01, 2022 • 1 minute read

Last month, we published a blog post about our new and improved Xolo Referral Program.
In the blog post, we wrote about:
- Which product the referral program is for. (For now, just Leap.)
- How much you'll earn. (€150 for you, €100 for your friend.)
- The fine print. (You'll both get paid once your friend sends their first invoice.)
- Tips & tricks for successful referring. (Too long to list them here.)
But then we sat back and thought, "Wait a second, we should be doing everything we can to make this easier for the friend to start their business." 🤔
At Xolo, we've helped thousands of solopreneurs start new businesses. And we know it's at the beginning when you need all the help you can find to get your new venture off the ground. 🚀 Here's how we're gonna sweeten the deal…
New and Improved Xolo Referral Program: we pay your friend's state fee edition
During the month of March, starting Tuesday, March 1st, we'll pay you €150 for every Xolo Leap referral, and we'll pay your referred friend's state fee for company registration in Estonia (valued at €265!).
The fine print
- Your friend needs to sign up before the 31st of March (this part takes just 2 minutes, promise!)
- From there, they'll have until the end of May (31.05.22) to become a paying customer of Xolo Leap
- Once these two requirements are met, you'll both receive your payment
- There's no limit to how many friends you can refer, or how much money you can make
To start earning, all you need to do is...
- Log in to your self-service dashboard
- Select your profile from the left-hand menu
- Open the referral tab
- Copy/paste your unique referral code
- Share it with your friend
That's it. That's all the steps.
Don't let anyone try to tell you you don't work hard for your money. 😉
Got more questions? Contact our onboarding team via chat or email.