Mastering business success with 13,000-year-old spiritual wisdom

Written by Xolo
on October 01, 2024 6 minute read

Be inspired as we unfold the story of Yasaf. The owner of two technology and business consultation companies who identifies as a Spiritual Business Owner. 

In today’s fast-paced world, mastering business success often requires more than just strategy and hard work. Meet Xolopreneur Yasaf Burshan who has integrated spiritual wisdom into his entrepreneurial journey to provide the balance and mindfulness. Read on to discover how combining spirituality and entrepreneurship can unlock new levels of growth and success.

Hello Yasaf! Could you introduce yourself?

“Our family––my wonderful wife Ariella and daughter Joy––has our home base in Iceland, but split our time between Iceland and Tallinn. 

I own two technology and business consultation companies. We help our customers find and maximize the time they spend in their “Zone of Genius.” This zone is where we deliver our greatest value to others and reap the highest rewards, in that order! Our services vary from consultations to implementing CRM systems, online course platforms, and workflow optimization & automation. The normal user base of the businesses we work with is between 1-250 users. 

I’ve not always been an entrepreneur. For many years I held executive IT positions in various companies. In 2019 I decided to start my own journey and fulfill the promise I made to my wife: to experience more adventures in our lives. 

Ariella put this dream on hold multiple times because of my own need for security and steady income. It wasn’t until after a few years of personal development that I could associate “security” with my own ability to run a business. I left my job and we started out on our adventure together. 

Our mission is to help anyone who wants to be an “Anywhere Boss” get there; We provide people the support they need to run independent businesses and conquer overwhelming tech. Being an Anywhere Boss doesn’t mean being a digital nomad, per se, or traveling the world. It’s about the required shift in mindset and learned ability to run a business from anywhere.”

How does astrology play a major role in guiding your personal and professional choices? When did you discover this?

“My wife and I were introduced to the concept by a couple of very good friends we met while attending a Date with Destiny event by Tony Robbins.

Unlike what you see and read in magazines, the concept is based on the date, exact time and location that we are born. There are different places on Earth that are more favorable and aligned for us. This is highly personalized to each individual.

Some places are better for business, some for a sense of community, security, relationships and more.

Astrology is what led us as a family to the specific village we live in today. We had our Astro-charts created by an expert and cross-referenced with each other––because this is highly personal, the best place for an individual may not be the same for an entire family.

Based on our objectives and combined map, we traveled the world for nearly a year, spending time in each place. We spent 6 months in the USA and Canada, a month in Australia and a month in Iceland. When we first arrived at the village we live in today, it took me just a single heartbeat to know that I’m home. It took my wife a bit longer than that, but she feels the same. At the end of the day, it’s a feeling inside that activates like flipping a switch.

We use the tool of astrology to guide us in many important decisions: like investments, education and business.”

Did the same concept guide you to Tallinn, and (if we may) choosing Xolo as a service provider?

“It started, like most things do, by chance.

A technical-admin challenge started in my business right before launching a new service. I’ve been in this business long enough to know that, when this happens, the right question to ask is ‘What is the positive intent of the problem?’

I quickly realized that the way my business was structured didn’t support the operational requirements to scale the service, and for that reason the issue started just before going live. I happened to have a meeting with my astrology expert on the books, so I asked him for some wisdom. The answer was a company in Tallinn based on my astro-chart’s alignment for business success.

The next step for me was to go to the marketplace website and look for companies that offer relevant services: Company registration and finance. I interviewed a few. The process with Xolo was the smoothest. I always listen to my gut when making an important decision and my gut, alongside several other signs, all pointed me to Xolo.

I’m VERY happy with this decision. Every person I’ve been in contact with before and after I signed up is super kind and helpful. I feel that Xolo is really invested in my success and very flexible and attentive to my needs, while keeping me in line and compatible with Estonian law. I can focus on scaling my business.”

You consider yourself a Spiritual Business Owner––can you elaborate on this? 

"Being a spiritual business owner is personal to me, and means that I run my businesses with a very abundant mindset. The important decisions I make are not just from the mind, but by applying tools and techniques that are deeply rooted in spirit. 

Sitting in a hot tub, taking an ice bath (water allows us to connect with the earth’s wisdom), or taking a digital detox are all invaluable assets to me.

I’ll always consult with my Akashic records before signing a big contract or making an HR decision. These records can be described as a metaphysical library or cosmic database that contains collective knowledge, experiences and events of every entity throughout all lifetimes.

Example: I won’t sign an enticing contract if the project or client is not aligned with my map. No matter how big or powerful it may be, I use my Akashic insights in addition to logic. "

How did you discover Xolo Xchange, and why is a marketplace like this so crucial in your service-provider decision making?

"As with most good things, this was also by chance. I was browsing the platform while in the process of getting my business registered. Shortly after I met with Emmanuel (one of your business success members) while in Tallinn to register the business and we talked about Xolo in length. 

There is a shared set of values among people in the marketplace, just by the fact that you must be a customer of Xolo. Owning a business remotely, choosing Xolo means that there is a certain vibe you’ll be in. As I am always looking for partnership and connecting with like-minded people to work with, it was really important to me. This is a great opportunity to mention that I already hired a project manager that I met on the marketplace. I can see those shared visions, mindset and principles."

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What one thing would you hope a reader would take away from this article?

"I’d love for more business owners to apply the following 3 principles to their businesses.

  1. Harmony: Be in harmony with your environment. Give a thought and clearly identify what your business environment is, and how you can build a relationship with that environment that is sustainable, beneficial and nurturing for both.

If there are things you won’t do, set those boundaries and apply enablement to the process, I call it “enabling-boundaries”. You see, the problem with boundaries is not that they exist. It is the emotion that is triggered by them. When we are kids, most of the time boundaries are enforced upon us in a negative way that “pushes” us away from what we are hoping to achieve, we fell alone, isolated, and on the long run it leads to a “pleasing” mentality “if I will put boundaries I will die alone and poor”.

Enabling-boundaries are different, the focus on what we are willing to do, promote and facilitate partnerships and lead to mutual respect and greater sense and fulfillment.

Think about kids that are given a ball to play on the rooftop of a skyscraper. Do you think they will play more freely with or without a surrounding fence?

Same in business, we sometimes take on jobs, just to avoid say no. What if instead we will say - Hi, this isn’t my Zone of Genius. My time working with you is better spent on X vs Y. You can do the same so and so by hiring someone cheaper to complete task X and I will focus on Z instead.

  1. Only buy and sell what is needed: Both as a buyer and a seller. I’m sure we all see sellers who are more focused on what they sell than what the buyer really needs. We don’t like what happens to us as buyers. Consciously make a real effort to listen to what our customers are telling us and love them more than we love our idea. Remember, the best strategy to sell is not to “sell” but to listen and solve problems.

  2. Everything has a purpose: I believe that if something was created it serves a purpose, as the universe doesn’t like to waste energy. If a customer comes to me asking me for a solution, because what they have is not working, I will first do my best to understand if what they currently have can be improved and used, even if it results in projects that are smaller in scale. I’ve learned that over time it creates trust and stronger relationships.

    I think all three principles lead to win-win-win relationships between us, our customers and our customer’s customers.

    These principles come from the Haida People. When I visited Haida Gwaii early early on in my journey, they were given to me under the promise that I will pay it forward and pass them to as many people as possible. 


I’ve created an online course that talks about them in length and I would like to offer it, alongside 3 months of free “PLUS” membership to my “Anywhere Boss” program to Xolo members.

My plus membership covers resources that help Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs overcome tech overwhelm and master the three principles (and other spiritual best practices) so they can become successful Anywhere Bosses. Start with the tech courses, or the spiritual ones, or just take part in the community discussions. Anything goes, listen to your heart (and gut)...

Check out the membership page here → Anywhere Boss Membership or got directly to the Plus checkout page here and use coupon code xolo (valid until 31/10) at checkout to get 100% discount for the first 3 months"

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