Financial freedom for freelancers with financial coach Shlomo Freund

on September 23, 2022 • 1 minute read

Are you a freelancer who's in total control of their finances, from cashflow to long-term planning and investments? Net worth too, completely on top of that?
If so, congrats! You've got nothing to learn from this week's episode, which is a value-packed conversation with Shlomo Freund, creator of Free Financial Self!
BUT for the rest of us, who aren't quite as financially saavy, listen up, because Shlomo specializes in helping freelancers, remote workers, and digital nomads get a grip on their money by making sure they have enough of it to achieve their goals in the long-term, while mastering day-to-day income and spending in the short-term.
Overcoming your financial hangups and getting to grips with this "financial planning stuff" will alter your mindset towards a longer-term focus, which for a freelancer — can be a very welcome change.
Having a listen to this podcast is your first step on the road to getting your financials officially sorted!
- 5:51- Why so many people procrastinate when it comes to their finances
- 10:13- What are the issues that digital nomads and freelancers face with financial planning?
- 11:25- advice for freelancers with income that varies month by month
- 13:00- How to "reverse engineer" your financial planning by deciding what your long-term goals are and working backward
- 16:17- How Schlomo structures his offerings for his clients
- 20:00- How accountability tools are built into the programs
- 21:00- Not "investment advice"per say, but some general advice on how to approach investing
- 25:00- What's all this about "passive income"?
About Schlomo
Schlomo is a location independent entrepreneur and financial coach. Through his business, Free Financial Self, he helps freelancers, digital nomads and remote workers to organize their money so they can reach financial independence faster.
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