IT expert Vladislav’s journey to autónomo mastery in Spain

Written by Xolo
on agosto 08, 2024 4 min of reading

From the heart of the IT world to the sunlit streets of Spain, Vladislav Dmitriev's journey is one of resilience, innovation and adaptability. 

Vladislav has over a decade of experience in Java development and blockchain technology. In that time he’s carved out a distinguished career as a tech expert and team leader. Winning a blockchain hackathon at the Malta Blockchain Summit is just one of his many achievements. Today, Vladislav thrives as a freelancer in Spain, enjoying its relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. 

He’s sharing his personal knowledge and experiences to help other migrants succeed as autónomos in this vibrant country.

Can you tell us about your background?

“I have been working in the IT field for over ten years, specializing in Java development. Throughout this time, I have taken on many roles, including Java team lead on various projects. In addition, I have experience in blockchain development. One of my notable achievements is winning a blockchain hackathon at the Malta Blockchain Summit with my team, where we secured first place.

Moreover, I have had experience in Scala development and front-end development in the past. However, the majority of my time is dedicated to Java development and leading teams.”

How has your transition to living and working in Spain been so far?

“My experience of moving and working in Spain has been very positive. Initially, I feared it would be extremely hot. Fortunately, my concerns were unfounded. Thanks to the nearby sea, despite the weather forecast always showing high temperatures, the mornings and evenings are pleasantly mild, even in summer. Everything turned out much better than I expected.

I also greatly enjoy the relaxed lifestyle. The people here embrace life, never rush, respect each other, and are always in good spirits. This positive atmosphere is contagious, making daily life very enjoyable. While the relaxed environment might sometimes make it tempting to work less, I manage to balance work and leisure effectively. My family and I are very happy here.”

You created extensive guides for Ukrainians navigating the autónomo life. What inspired you to create these?

“For many years, I have developed the habit of meticulously documenting any complex processes I undertake. Whether it's handling bureaucratic issues, filling out forms, or navigating complicated procedures in daily life, I always make detailed notes of each step. I consult with acquaintances who have faced similar situations, compile their advice, and create personal guides for future reference. This practice helps me avoid the same level of effort should I encounter these tasks again.

After moving to Spain, I faced numerous new challenges, including the process of registering and managing an autónomo business. To navigate this, I consulted dozens of acquaintances who had already registered their autónomo businesses. Each consultation provided valuable insights, which I documented and used to create a detailed plan.

When I eventually registered my business, I had a valuable knowledge base that proved useful for both registering and managing it. Over time, I shared this guide with acquaintances, which sparked even more interest and questions. The guide, initially a few pages long, has now grown to several dozen pages and is regularly updated. I translated this into English, Ukrainian and Russian to help more people.

I’ve also created a Telegram chat to gather a small group of interested individuals. The link to this chat was embedded deep within the document to ensure it would be found only by those who read the document thoroughly. The chat focuses strictly on relevant topics for autónomos, sharing experiences and useful information.

Over the past few months, the document has gained popularity, and the chat has grown to over 500 members. Recently, I created a chat for English-speaking freelancers, which I hope will gain traction over time.

The chat is a rich source of valuable information. I constantly learn new things from it, and some insights from the discussions find their way back into the document. I maintain a Trello board for future tasks, updates, and new information to be added to the guide.

One interesting plan is to publish a custom GPT, trained on my document, to answer specific questions that autónomos might encounter. Currently, I am testing it personally and plan to release it for chat members soon. Additionally, I plan to include guides on applying for mortgages, obtaining loans, and transferring work experience from other countries to Spain.

I also hope to invite others to contribute information to the document. The source files are publicly available on GitHub, and I look forward to seeing pull requests from other autónomos in the future.”

Check out Vladislav's in-depth guide on the Spanish tax system and how to become an autónomo:

In English:

In Ukrainian:

In Russian:

What were the key factors that led you to choose Xolo over traditional gestores?

“One of the most important reasons I chose Xolo over a traditional Gestor is that many Gestors request access to your personal digital certificate and password to file reports on your behalf. I am categorically against this approach due to the security risks. Providing your personal digital certificate is unsafe, and you bear the responsibility in case of errors, not the Gestor.

What I liked about Xolo is that they use their own certificates and assume responsibility for mistakes. 

Additionally, I was concerned about the varying opinions among different Gestors. Finding a knowledgeable and highly competent Gestor seemed difficult. Therefore, I preferred a platform with a large number of autónomo clients, assuming that the collective experience of a team of Gestors would be more reliable.

Xolo’s cost is slightly lower than most traditional Gestors, and it offers a convenient dashboard for basic operations and viewing statistics.”

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How has Xolo helped you in managing your autónomo business more efficiently?

“Xolo has greatly assisted me with the registration and management of being an autónomo, making the process almost effortless. Whenever I have questions, their support team responds promptly.

I experienced a critical situation during my autónomo registration. I needed to register for an EU VAT, and a few days later, the tax authorities requested additional information and documents within 10 days, or I would face a fine. The Xolo support team was extremely helpful. I simply photographed the letter and sent it to their support team. They handled all the necessary communication with the tax authorities and resolved the issue within a couple of days, successfully registering the EU VAT number. 

This allowed me to focus on other matters without being distracted by bureaucratic issues.”

Any advice for Ukrainians who are considering becoming autónomos in Spain?

“The most important advice I can give is to thoroughly understand all aspects of autónomo management in Spain, regardless of whether you choose Xolo, a traditional Gestor or another service. 

It is highly beneficial to delve into the details, ask professionals any questions that arise, and form your own opinions on various nuances. The document I have prepared can be helpful, but consulting with professionals and seeking advice from trusted acquaintances who are also running businesses is equally important.

Additionally, given the current market situation for IT services, finding clients can be challenging. I recommend looking for opportunities through multiple sources, including popular freelance platforms. I plan to register on the Xchange platform provided by Xolo soon and start searching for clients there as well. I would recommend others do the same.”

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    Register as an autónomo in Spain for free

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