A long-term telecom executive joins Xolo as Chief Operating Officer

on February 17, 2020 • 1 minute read

Xolo is excited to welcome Tarmo Osman, a telecom industry veteran, as our new Chief Operating Officer (COO) and member of the management board.
Tarmo brings with him 5 years of experience as the COO of Top Connect, a global mobile service provider. Before Top Connect, Tarmo worked in various operational and business development roles at Tele2 and Levira. He has also been the Managing Director of Estonian Association of ICT Companies and Deputy Director of the Estonian telecom regulator.
In his previous roles, he has overseen sweeping cultural changes in organisations, redefining business models, streamlining processes, and merging with competitors.
“I am delighted to join Xolo's ambitious team whose mission is to introduce Estonia's comfortable and simple business environment globally. While the attractiveness of the business environment of many competing countries lies in the lowest taxes, for Estonia the most important factor is the ease of conducting business." said Osman.
"Having previously worked in global telecommunication businesses and dealing with the complexities of other countries' business environments, I greatly believe in Xolo’s business model and Estonia as the frontrunner of this area.”
Tarmo joins a growing management team, along with Chief Product Officer Mikko Teerenhovi who joined us from Holvi in late 2019. He also becomes our 8th new employee this year already, on top of 34 hired in 2019, meaning Xolo’s team has now grown to 84 people.