12 Splendid Days of a Freelance Christmas

on December 23, 2019 • 4 minute read

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me . . . .
This year, rather than waiting for Christmas Day to see what goodies are under the tree for you, give yourself a little thank you for making the decision to go freelance.
Do you need reminding of all the reasons to be thankful during the 2019 holiday season? Have you had a busy time recently? Take a minute to reassure yourself of how amazing you are doing and how fantastic it is that you are bossing your freelance lifestyle.
Being freelance basically means you have given yourself 12 incredible life-altering presents, so be sure to read this blog and give yourself that warm and fuzzy feeling about your own life choices.
1. A work-life balance
A work-life balance is one of the best presents you’ve ever given yourself. According to Forbes, 80% of full-time freelancers say their work allows them to live the lifestyle they want.
Do you want to work 5am-11am and relax in the afternoon? Or take a long bike ride every morning and then work in the evening? Or maybe you are juggling your work around your family life and like taking a break so you can do the school run – however you want to manage your time, you can do it! Hurray for balance!
2. Job fulfilment
A joint survey from the University of Sheffield the University of Exeter of 5,000 freelancers, found that “self-employed people are happier and more engaged in their work than those in any other profession.” The freedom to innovate, express their own views and feel engaged with the work were all reasons why the gift of the freelance life is one that just keeps on giving.
3. The end of office politics
When working in a busy office it is crazy to think that people still have time to power the rumour mill and compete in the daily race that is office politics. Thankfully, being self-employed means that the only colleague you are competing against is the voice in your head that tries to persuade that watching three hours of morning TV is a productive use of your time. Newsflash - it never is!
4. Lining your purse
Freelancers and solopreneurs are increasingly becoming known for their amazing financial success and ability to surpass every income prediction going. The MBO Partners State of Independence in America 2018 showed that 20.9 percent of full-time independents earn more than $100,000. You are officially rocking it! Maybe you could treat yourself to that new purse after all.
5. Being a trendsetter
When you were a teenager there was nothing better than having a role model to look up to and someone to pave the way ahead of you making your journey a little easier.
The gift of being a freelancer is one that you are not only giving yourself, but also to all those aspiring solopreneurs who are following in your footsteps. Data from the Office of National Statistics shows that in 2001, there were 3.3 million self-employed workers whereas in 2017, this number had risen to 4.8 million. You are officially part of this movement and you deserve a pat on the back as you inspire millions more to kick the traditional and draining 9-5 and take control of their own working lives instead.
6. Your happy place
Number 6 on our Christmas round-up of freelance gifts to yourself is the ability for you to quite literally find your own happy place. No longer constrained by the tiny office cubicle or the windowless (and soulless) office, you are free to work wherever you please (a strong Wi-Fi connection permitting). The local library, an independent coffee shop, the park - the possibilities are endless.
7. An international client list
If you really need to another reason to be feeling smug with yourself, then at number 7 we have the big one; being freelance means that you have the opportunity to broaden your horizons and work with interesting clients from around the world. Not only will this open you up to new cultures and new friendships, but it will also allow your business to grow in ways you probably never believed possible at the start. To really make the most of this gift you could sign up with Xolo Leap and become an e-resident of Estonia like Asad. Show your clients that your business is at the forefront of the digital world and prove your ability to stay one step ahead of the game. Signing up with Xolo is just the cherry on top of that already iced Christmas Cake as they will take away all your administrative and accounting woes and replace them with paid invoices and more free time to be with your loved ones or find new clients.
8. Confidence
The world is a very different place when you are the boss, others will treat you differently and you’ll start to see yourself differently as well. There’s no doubt about it, by becoming self-employed you have also given yourself the gift of confidence. No more of this ‘can’t do’ attitude, all of a sudden you are the person who is able to say yes to everything because you know you can achieve it if you want to!
9. Upskilling
Freelancers know that being flexible is what it’s all about. This is true of their lifestyle as well as their offering. Being self-employed means that if you see a new trend emerging in your sector, you’ve got the freedom to pursue it and become a master at it. No more hours wasted getting sign-off on training courses when you are your own CEO!
10. Career progression
Ah, the golden gift that is career progression. No-one wants to feel like they are stuck in a rut, hanging about at a career junction that they feel will never end. Working for yourself means that you are in the privileged position of being able to determine your own future. According to a joint survey from Upwork and the Freelancers Union, the future is bright, with 72% of freelancers saying their job provides opportunity for upward mobility and 77% saying their job offers a long-term career path. Now that is a gift that deserves a shiny bow on top!
11. Taking holidays
Being freelance means that you no longer have to justify to your boss why you deserve that long-coveted holiday. Yes, you might have to work like a maniac in the few weeks leading up to a holiday to make sure everything is covered while you're away, but at least you don’t have to get ‘approval’ from six different departments before your leave is granted. Research from People Per Hour even uncovered that a third of freelancers can take more than two holidays per year. Some freelancers take this even further and decide to turn those holidays into a lifestyle and join the elusive digital nomad community.
12. You are the boss!
When it comes down to it, one of the main benefits of being self-employed is exactly what it says on the tin: you are employed by yourself, and nobody else. Being your own boss means having complete say in what you do, how you work and the business you choose to run. There is no greater gift that you could have given yourself.
So, cheers to the freelance life and we hope you will spend the 12 festive days of Christmas being grateful for all the gifts you have given yourself.